PUBG's main trick is the tools you carry on with you when you are in the war. Choose wisely what guns you are using for attacking enemies. The main concept of winning the game is based on those weapons and tools.
Here are the list of tools and weapons you need to win the war in both classic and arcade mode.
Every gun which you use is more effective when you use it without the sound when you shoot someone. For this, suppressors are the most effective one to be carried along with you till the last of the game.
Suppressors are of four types:
Here are the list of tools and weapons you need to win the war in both classic and arcade mode.
Every gun which you use is more effective when you use it without the sound when you shoot someone. For this, suppressors are the most effective one to be carried along with you till the last of the game.
Suppressors are of four types:
- AR Suppressor
- SMG Suppressor
- PISTOL Suppressor
- SNIPPER Suppressor
Medkit, First Aid Kit
To survive, you must have atleast three first aid kits with you till the last of the game. Medikit helps you to gain 100% of your life if you were attacked. Firstaid kit helps you to gain 75% of your life.
Energy drink helps you to gain an extra 25% of the life you have in game. Pain killer is almost the same as of energy drink. Adreneline shot gives a full pack of energy drink and painkiller which is of 100% of the energy that can be used to regain.
Energy drink helps you to gain an extra 25% of the life you have in game. Pain killer is almost the same as of energy drink. Adreneline shot gives a full pack of energy drink and painkiller which is of 100% of the energy that can be used to regain.